The Fastest Finger
To get into the Hotseat, you must pass the Fastest Finger Question. You are asked to arrange four items in order according
to the question, and be the fastest one to do it out of your 10 competitors. An example of a fastest finger question Could
be this: Put the Following Kevin Costner Movies in order they were released, starting with the most recent. A: Bill
Durham B: Dances With Wolves C: Tin Cup D: The Bodyguard If you're the one with the correct order, in the
fastest time, you are on your way to One Million Dollars!

To the left is a Fastest Finger Screen and Keypad. The Buttons are A, B, C, and D to enter your choices, and "Delete"
and "OK" keys.

In The Hotseat

You've won the Fastest Finger, and Now You're standing next to Regis Shaking his hand. You climb into the hotseat, and the
game begins. The rules of the show are simple but complex at the same time. When you get into the hot seat, you
have to answer 15 multiple choice questions correctly in order to win the million dollar jackpot. The questions, however,
get harder as the game goes on. When you win $1,000 or $32,000 you are guarenteed to leave with at least that much money,
no matter what happens. The Dollar Values are as Follows:

This Money Ladder is commonly known as the "money tree." Once a Player wins $1,000 or $32,000 they are guaranteed
to leave with that much money. Therefore, the 5th and 10th questions are important ones. Generally Speaking, the contestant
and Regis breeze through the first 5 questions or so, then the pace slows down as the questions get harder.